Plain water's ability to extinguish wood and structure fires has always been assumed. However, studies have shown only a 5-10% effectiveness because of the cohesion of water molcules which prevent full penetration. This in turn requires the delivery of large volumes of water, creating greater labor demands and increased water damage to the structure and contents. With the use of Water Stretcher® Class A Foam Agent the surface tension of water molecules is greatly reduced allowing one gallon to do the work of 10, reducing the labor demands and water damage. Water Stretcher® Class A Foam has been demonstrated effective in tire, oil and automobile fires through dense foam generation. The dense foam generated by Water Stretcher® enables the firefighter to quickly gain control of flammable vapors, removes oxygen from the combustion process and insulates and saturates the unburned fuel. Foam/water wetting agent mixing ratio: approximately 1 quart Water Stretcher® Foaming agent to 100 gallons water increases water penetration approximately 10 to 1 over plain water by overcoming surface tension of water molecules.